Why a Psychic Reading can Help You?

In this time of great turmoil and change, the old is falling away and people find themselves suffering from anxiety, insecurity and living in fear, often having to make life changing decisions they never ever imagined in their wildest dreams.
Their tranquility, economic stability and personal relationships have suddenly vanished along with feeling safe, secure and protected in their homes and neighbourhoods!!
-Romantic relationships are falling apart.
-Old friendships people find they have nothing in common anymore.
-Career and finances are creating anxiety and insomnia due to unhealthy conflict, inflation and unethical politics inside companies and businesses.
-Sometimes even huge relocation and moving to safer geographic areas to foreign countries and rural areas seems to be the solution for many people.
-Some just want to want to get back to living in nature and growing their own food and are leaving alienating cities in droves.

Whatever the challenge, whatever your question, there is always a solution and your Higher Self (Oversoul) God, Source Creator, your Guides and Angels can give you the guidance you seek with a Psychic Reading with me.
If you have stumbled across my page then" synchronicity" has brought you to me, so I can help give you the clarity you need to go forward on your life path...

I have different sessions tailored to your needs so please take a look at the different options that are available for you online and send me an email to book your reading of choice:

Psychic Reading live video chat

30 minutes € 43

Psychic Reading live video chat

1 hour € 70

Psychic Reading recorded message

30 minutes € 43

Text message reading (by telegram or via email)

One question
€ 10

All online video chats are on zoom and the personal link will be sent once proof of payment has been received. The text message answer will be sent within the same day of receipt of payment

For those genuinely struggling financially who would like help please contact me and we can figure something out.