What is Introspective Hypnosis?

In my sessions, I work with my clients, to identify and address repressed emotions stored in the subconscious mind during traumatic experiences, whether an event be from childhood, in the mothers womb or even from a past or a parallel life.

The soul lives that experience as if it was happening in the "here and now": if it was a painful experience in this lifetime, the soul fragment, metaphysically a piece, breaks off and remains stuck in that moment suspended, however if a traumatic experience occurred in a past or parallel life, the soul becomes entrapped.

Both of these will be affecting a person's life choices, decisions and behaviour subconsciously, either in their health, life, career, finances or relationships.
Often this is only recognised when patterns, people experiences seem to be looping and repeating and the person cannot advance in life or free themselves from negative habits, addictions or abusive relationships, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many positive affirmations, meditations, law of attraction books, positive visualisations, nothing can break the cycle...

This is where a session of Introspective Hypnosis can break through the barrier of the subconscious, free the soul, or reintegrate the soul fragment enabling a person to become whole, happier and more grounded and above all become the driver, not the passenger of their life.

Introspective Hypnosis Sessions

Usually last on average about 2 and a half to 3 hours
€ 107